Matches played at Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow Date of match | Type of match | Name of team | Name of team | Score | Attendance | 30 November 1872 | International friendly | Scotland | England | 0-0 | 3,000 | 7 March 1874 | International friendly | Scotland | England | 2-1 | 7,000 | 4 March 1876 | International friendly | Scotland | England | 3-0 | 16,000 | 11 March 1876 | Scottish FA Cup final | Queen's Park | 3rd Lanark Rifle Volunteers | 1-1 | 10,000 | 18 March 1876 | Scottish FA Cup final replay | Queen's Park | 3rd Lanark Rifle Volunteers | 2-0 | 6,000 | 25 March 1876 | International friendly | Scotland | Wales | 1-0 | 17,000 | 17 March 1877 | Scottish FA Cup final | Vale of Leven | Rangers | 1-1 | 12,000 | 7 April 1877 | Scottish FA Cup final replay | Vale of Leven | Rangers | 1-1 | 14,000 |
