Matches played at Lansdowne Road, Dublin Date of match | Type of match | Name of team | Name of team | Score | Attendance | 17th March 1900 | Home Championship | Ireland | England | 0-2 | 8,000 | 25th October 1978 | European Championship qualifier | Republic of Ireland | England | 1-1 | 55,000 | 15th October 1986 | European Championship qualifier | Republic of Ireland | Scotland | 0-0 | 48,000 | 14th November 1990 | European Championship qualifier | Republic of Ireland | England | 1-1 | 46,000 | 15th February 1995 | International friendly | Repubic of Ireland | England | 1-0 | 46,000 | 30th May 2000 | International friendly | Republic of Ireland | Scotland | 1-2 | 30,213 |
